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Thursdays 4-6pm 

Spring 2017 start date TBA

528 Weller St, Peterborough


Salad Days Lettuce Stand

100% of Lettuce sales benefit children in care of Kawartha-Haliburton Children's Aid Society

Since spring 2014, every Thursday from 4 to 6pm during the growing season, our family has set up Salad Days Lettuce Stand in the front garden, selling our homegrown lettuce in support of local children's charities. 


At first, sales were a little sluggish, but the lettuce - never! We gained a loyal following of good souls who came for the cute kids and community and stayed for the lovely lettuce. Leo (6) and Catherine (3) became media darlings when we received a flurry of great press. In 2015, with their help, and a few of their sweet chums (and their mums!) we raised over $1100 for the wonderful Kawartha-Haliburton Children's Foundation. The total $3 purchase price of our lettuce goes to the K-H Children's Foundation. 


Not only is the money is for a great cause, our lettuce sends those grocery store baby leaf blends back to school! We buy our seed from Frank Morton, the maestro of lettuce at Wild Garden Seed. Frank has spent a few decades breeding and selecting a catalogue of blushed, bronzed, scalloped, splashed & speckled beauties that will rock your salad bowl!


Hope to see you at Salad Days!

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